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How Higher Education Works with Us

Education is the passport to the future. We can help you chart the best course to get there. We are dedicated to supporting your mission because we know how important it is for you to inspire students to conquer their educational goals. Our goal is to ensure you have the tools and resources to educate the next generation of leaders in health information. 

2025 Education Catalog

Plan for next semester

Align your course with health information competencies. Browse our updated catalog to help you plan your course with AHIMA education resources.

Get details about:

  • New and updated textbooks
  • Microcredentials to enhance your education program and student engagement
  • Learning bundles offer students valuable access to AHIMA membership, certification exam prep resources, and AHIMA VLab®.

Quality Content, Aligned to Curriculum Competencies©

AHIMA Press is the leading source of textbooks for health information programs at universities around the world. Educators and healthcare professionals prefer AHIMA books because they know our authors deliver comprehensive, high-quality content and a sensible approach to teaching.

AHIMA Approved CEU Program®

AHIMA Approved CEU Program® recognizes external organizations as continuing education unit (CEU) providers that have met the Association’s standards. AHIMA’s approval process is voluntary and is initiated by the program sponsor requesting approval. Continuing Education Provider status does not constitute endorsement of a program sponsor or its materials. 

Learn more about the benefits of being a Continuing Education Provider and how to apply. 


Exam Bulk Orders 

AHIMA offers organizations the option to order exams in bulk and use the organization's funds (credit cards only) to purchase exams for their students or employees. All policies and procedures apply to bulk orders and examinees testing. Place an exam bulk order. 

Professional Certificate Approval Program

Coding certificate programs which have earned formal approval under AHIMA’s Professional Certificate Approval Program (PCAP) adhere to quality standards in programming, instruction and curriculum for non-degree granting academic coding certificate programs.

PCAP approved coding certificate programs offer a comprehensive curriculum which meets or exceeds rigorous PCAP coding competencies and have been evaluated for compliance with faculty qualifications for coding education and program standards.

View the Directory of PCAP Approved Programs or learn more about applying for PCAP approval.


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