We acknowledge the challenges you may be facing receiving answers from our Customer Service team and/or accessing key areas of the My AHIMA Hub. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working diligently to resolve these issues. Please note that for the moment, AHIMA will waive recertification late fees by applying code WAIVEFEE24 at checkout when recertifying. This code applies universally, regardless of the number of credentials being recertified. Please note that this waiver is only for the late fee and does not cover the standard recertification fee.
For questions regarding certification, registration, eligibility, and digital badges | Email: Certification@ahima.org |
AHIMA Accounts Receivable | Email: Arinfo@ahima.org |
Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodations | Email: ADA@ahima.org |
Code of ethics violations & professional misconduct | Email: CCHIIM@ahima.org |
Continuing Education Provider Program | Email: PriorApproval@ahima.org |
Early testing applications | Email: EarlyTest@ahima.org |
Exam bulk orders | Email: ExamBulkOrders@ahima.org |
Mailing address | AHIMA 35 W. Wacker Dr., 16th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 |
Online Education Online | Email: Education@AHIMA.org |
Purchases or Orders | Email: Purchase@ahima.org |
Recertification | Email: Recert@ahima.org |
Recertification Appeals ONLY | Email: CertificationAppeal@ahima.org |
Refunds for exam applications ONLY | Email: Refunds@ahima.org |
Sales | Email: Sales@ahima.org |
Conference questions | Email: Registration@ahima.org |
Transcripts | Email: CertificationTranscripts@ahima.org |
AHIMA VLab® | Email: Academyhelp@ahima.org |
Customer Relations: (800) 335-5535
Main Number: (312) 233-1100
Customer Relations Email: info@ahima.org
Fax: (312) 278-0272
Office Hours: 8am to 5pm (CST) Monday through Friday
Phone Inquiry Hours: 7am to 7pm (CST) Monday through Friday
American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
35 W. Wacker Dr., 16th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601