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Faculty Resources

We’re here to support HI educators in shaping tomorrow’s healthcare leaders. AHIMA offers resources to help you provide a strong knowledge foundation for students at the intersection of healthcare technology and business.

For AHIMA Members

Academic Research

We welcome AHIMA faculty and student members who are completing research as part of an academic program requirement (such as Master’s Thesis, or Doctoral Dissertation) to request approval to use AHIMA channels for distribution of data collection instruments.

HIM Body of Knowledge 

Get relevant insight from AHIMA’s official online library.  As a thought leader in health information, we publish articles, toolkits and white papers that you can share with your students.



Perspectives in Health Information Management (PHIM)

PHIM is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that links practice, education, and research to improve health information management processes and outcomes. As a trusted resource referred to by professors, professionals, public officials, industry leaders, and policymakers, PHIM advances health information management practice.


Journal of AHIMA 

Health information is critical to healthcare evolution. Join the conversation as we explore leading trends in the industry. Subscription to AHIMA’s online Journal is included with membership.


AHIMA Mentor Match

AHIMA® M2M Connect is an opportunity for emerging Health Information professionals to enrich and expand their understanding of career possibilities at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and business through transformational relationships built with experienced leaders. Mentees will design and achieve personalized professional goals in partnership with their mentor, building capability and confidence. For more information on our mentorship program visit us at Participant Portal | Art of Mentoring (

Educator Community Resources

Academic Curricula

We guide the health information profession with academic curricula that outline key domain areas for mastery. The AHIMA Council for Excellence in Education™ (CEE) establishes curricula© for HIM programs at the associate, baccalaureate, and graduate levels.

AHIMA Press Instructor Material

Empower desired student outcomes with leading knowledge from AHIMA Press books and ebooks. Access instructor materials and request book review copies to plan your courses.


Request a Free Educator Trial for AHIMA VLab®

AHIMA VLab® gives you online access to realistic patient cases and hands-on experience with the leading technology used in today's healthcare environments. Virtual practice with a robust suite of real-world software applications and lab activities is how we lean into career readiness.


AHIMA VLab® Instructors Resources

AHIMA VLab® instructor resources are now found directly in AHIMA VLab® – no need to look elsewhere! Simply select the Instructor Resources tile from the AHIMA VLab® homepage. Instructor resources are arranged under application specific folders and subfolders.



AHIMA VLab® Educator Training Program

When you choose AHIMA VLab®, we support you with training so you can confidently deliver educational content that moves your students forward. Our complimentary, online basic training includes the on-demand, AHIMA VLab® Training Video, and live basic training sessions. We also offer in-person, advanced training for a fee.


AHIMA's Education Catalog

ADVANCE is a connection to innovative learning resources to keep you informed on our latest books, learning bundles, and technology designed for your education program


Career Map and Tools

Together, we guide our students to rewarding careers. Our Career Map is a dynamic planning tool to help students explore career options. When paired with the Career Prep Workbook and webinars, students are empowered to discover their unique career pathway.

Health Information Awareness Flyers

Advise your student and employer communities about the opportunities in health information.




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